1990 Pulaski Braves player profiles, Atlanta affiliate
Features on each member of the
1990 Pulaski Braves, rookie-level affiliate of the Atlanta Braves.
Pulaski Braves (31)
1 - Brian Bark broke in with Red Sox for 3 ML games in 1995
2 - Cloyd Boyer saw 5 ML seasons, later sought by Bobby Cox
Pulaski Braves (31)

2 - Cloyd Boyer saw 5 ML seasons, later sought by Bobby Cox
3 - Mike Cerame's been around sports, medicine long time
4 - Barry Chiles pitched for president, saw 5 pro seasons
5 - Jamie Crump earned college All-Region, one pro season
4 - Barry Chiles pitched for president, saw 5 pro seasons
5 - Jamie Crump earned college All-Region, one pro season
6 - Pat Dando saw 7 seasons, high-A, also independent run
7 - Travis Dunlap, Wasn't Nervous
Travis Dunlap helped his rookie ball team to a title. He never made AA.
8 - Stewart Ford, Closed Out
Stewart Ford closed out a rookie ball no-hitter. He played three pro seasons.
9 - Wallace Gonzalez, Offensive Praise
Wallace Gonzalez got offensive praise in high school, not enough as a pro.
10 - Brett Grebe, Dedicated To
Brett Grebe had an on-again, off-again career.
11 - Troy Hughes, Big Choice
Troy Hughes chose pro baseball over college football.
12 - Randy Ingle had two priorities as minor league manager
13 - Vincent Jiminez, More Fleeting
Vincent Jiminez remains in his high school record book. He played three pro seasons.
14 - Anthony Johnson, College List
Anthony Johnson came out of college to play pro for 47 games.
15 - Brian Kowitz, Fantasy Land
Brian Kowitz described the majors as fantasy land. He got there for 10 games.
16 - Ray Mack, Over With
Ray Mack was once literally charged with murder. He was also acquitted.
17 - Keith Morrison gave an encouraging effort at Sumter; Played six seasons, made AAA
7 - Travis Dunlap, Wasn't Nervous

8 - Stewart Ford, Closed Out
Stewart Ford closed out a rookie ball no-hitter. He played three pro seasons.
9 - Wallace Gonzalez, Offensive Praise
Wallace Gonzalez got offensive praise in high school, not enough as a pro.
10 - Brett Grebe, Dedicated To
Brett Grebe had an on-again, off-again career.
11 - Troy Hughes, Big Choice
Troy Hughes chose pro baseball over college football.
12 - Randy Ingle had two priorities as minor league manager
13 - Vincent Jiminez, More Fleeting
Vincent Jiminez remains in his high school record book. He played three pro seasons.
14 - Anthony Johnson, College List
Anthony Johnson came out of college to play pro for 47 games.
15 - Brian Kowitz, Fantasy Land
Brian Kowitz described the majors as fantasy land. He got there for 10 games.
16 - Ray Mack, Over With
Ray Mack was once literally charged with murder. He was also acquitted.
17 - Keith Morrison gave an encouraging effort at Sumter; Played six seasons, made AAA
18 - Larry Owens played single season, became minors coach
19 - Randy Phillips played as semi-pro, then turned pro coach
20 - Mike Place, Showed It
Mike Place showed frustration in his seventh season. He'd yet to make AA.
21 - Jimmie Pullins, Big Win
Jimmie Pullins knocked a home run in rookie ball. He played three pro seasons.
22 - Hector Roa, Just Like
Hector Roa played in the U.S., Mexico and Taiwan. He also inspired his son.
23 - Joe Roa, Meant More
Joe Roa knew how hard it was to get to the bigs.
24 - Armando Rodriguez, Big Class
Armando Rodriguez was part of a big college pro class.
25 - Karl Rudison made single pro season, 47 games at Pulaski
19 - Randy Phillips played as semi-pro, then turned pro coach
20 - Mike Place, Showed It
Mike Place showed frustration in his seventh season. He'd yet to make AA.
21 - Jimmie Pullins, Big Win
Jimmie Pullins knocked a home run in rookie ball. He played three pro seasons.
22 - Hector Roa, Just Like
Hector Roa played in the U.S., Mexico and Taiwan. He also inspired his son.
23 - Joe Roa, Meant More
Joe Roa knew how hard it was to get to the bigs.
24 - Armando Rodriguez, Big Class
Armando Rodriguez was part of a big college pro class.
25 - Karl Rudison made single pro season, 47 games at Pulaski
26 - Mike Shepherd, Head Start
Mike Shepherd got a head start on the pros. He never made single-A.
27 - George Virgilio, Took Some
George Virgilio took some spotlight in a minors game with a grand slam.
28 - Johnny Walker, Play Both
Johnny Walker played baseball and football briefly as a pro.
29 - Henry Werland, Started Strong
Henry Werland started a 1991 outing strong. He played just two seasons.
30 - Dave Williams, Final Win
Dave Williams' final pro win came in 1993. He never made AAA.
31 - Juan Williams, Lead Stuck
Juan Williams played a decade as a pro, made AAA, not the bigs.
Mike Shepherd got a head start on the pros. He never made single-A.
27 - George Virgilio, Took Some
George Virgilio took some spotlight in a minors game with a grand slam.
28 - Johnny Walker, Play Both
Johnny Walker played baseball and football briefly as a pro.
29 - Henry Werland, Started Strong
Henry Werland started a 1991 outing strong. He played just two seasons.
30 - Dave Williams, Final Win
Dave Williams' final pro win came in 1993. He never made AAA.
31 - Juan Williams, Lead Stuck
Juan Williams played a decade as a pro, made AAA, not the bigs.
-Johnson City Cardinals (32)
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-Pulaski Braves (31)
-Pulaski Braves (31)